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John Island Boxing & Development offers a wide variety of training types not just limited to boxing. We focus on the health and wellness of each individual both physically and mentally. Explore what we have to offer.


Boxing challenges the mind mentally. As a coach and mentor, my formula is a potent combination of mentoring, personal discipline, and training. Through my passion for training, I'd like to instill a fighting spirit to overcome all obstacles and adversity in life.


Classes are open to all abilities and ages, whether you're looking for a good workout, learn self-defense and build self-confidence, or are aspiring to compete, I can teach you proper technique and fundamentals of the sweet science of boxing.


The benefits include:

  • Relieves stress

  • Helps your brain increase its production of endorphins

  • Improves mental toughness and resilience that can be applied to life skills

  • Improves hand-eye coordination

  • Improves balance and motor skills



A form of body conditioning that involves endurance training, resistance training, and high-intensity aerobics. All exercises are performed in a circuit very similar to high-intensity interval training. 


The benefits include:

  • Improves muscular endurance

  • Increases strength and muscle growth

  • Awesome full body workout

  • Time efficient

  • Improves exercise adherence

  • May promote weight loss

  • Improves emotional wellness


HIIT training is a form of training that involves a series of high-intensity workouts combined with rest or break periods. The intense periods are very similar to anaerobic exercise. Recovery periods consist of involved moment but at a lower intensity.


The benefits include:

  • Increases strength & endurance

  • Decrease body fat

  • Improves cardiovascular fitness

  • Improve and maintain fast-twitch muscle fibers needed for quick bursts of activity 

Image by Karsten Winegeart


A type of high intensity interval training that helps you to get the most benefits in a short amount of time. For each exercise, you do eight rounds of 20 seconds of strenuous exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. 


The benefits include:

  • Higher caloric expenditure (both during and after workout)

  • Less exercise time

  • Increase in lean mass

  • Increase in anaerobic and aerobic capacities


Isometric exercise is the contractions of a specific muscle or group of muscles. During isometric, the muscle doesn't noticeably change length. The affected joint also doesn't move. Isometric exercises help maintain strength. They can also build strength. 


The benefits include:

  • Improve physical endurance

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Helps avoid unnecessary injury

  • Improves range of motion


Plyometric training is also known as jump training or "plyo". These exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time; with goals of increasing power. 


The benefits include:

  • Improves coordination

  • Maintains bone density

  • Increases average power and velocity

  • Increases peak force and velocity of acceleration

  • Increased energy


The three types of lifting include powerlifting, olympic lifting, and bodybuilding. These areas of strength all involve weight and resistance training but the equipment and goals of each are very different. 



This form of lifting focuses on maintaining absolute strength in three main lifts of squat, bench, and deadlift which are common across the world. Weightlifting focuses on developing explosive power and technique in the snatch, clean, and jerk. 



The practice of progressive resistance to exercise to build control and develop your muscles for hypertrophy. John Island Boxing priorities overall health and functionality, while bodybuilding focuses on muscle size, symmetry, and aesthetics. We do a combination of both. We focus on developing the body through exercise and diet.


Image by Element5 Digital


Nutritional coaching allows me to identify the role of dietary habits in overall health; Describe factors that influence dietary patterns, and recognize the dangers of a one-diet-fits-all approach. It is also important to identify how different factors can influence eating patterns and overall health and wellness. 


Key factors in nutritional coaching or scope of practices are as follows:

  • Nutrient timing

  • Supplements (understanding their role based on goals)

  • Hydration (how it affects the body)

  • Micro/Macro nutrients (how they play a role in health and wellness)

  • Alcohol (how it affects the body)

  • Food; portion size


These are just a few key factors that will help to make major lifestyle changes for a better quality of life. 


This is a unique way to support, encourage, and motivate each individual client to achieve the best quality of life with a primary focus on health and wellness from a mental standpoint. Health and fitness are our #1 goal at John Island Boxing & Development. Qe will be working closely with a licensed therapist addressing issues dealing with but not limited to depression, addiction, anxiety, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia. 


**Note: Mental health issues are believed to be more prevalent in boxing than any other sport. There is an expectation to be emotionally invulnerable and can make it difficult for boxers to seek help and talk about their struggles, which could amplify the problem. 

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